'Statement of Intent'



In this 2 minute sequence there is a 17 year old (ex hacker) male finishing up school work on his computer then there is a hacker that hacks his computer. Then the victim calls for help and thinks hes getting help but he is talking to the hacker.The victim then relies his identity due to his hacking techniques then imminently gets in contact with the police to help take him down. This scene will take place in the beginning of the series at the end of the first episode.

I plan to meet the brief by having 2 characters (1 victim(antagonist) and 27 year old male hacker(protagonist)) and two different filming locations (the victim was in school and the hacker was in his room). I also have a variety of different camera shots like close up camera shots and medium camera shots and medium close up camera shot. One will be the victim walking to school. Another will be of the same victim calling for help.I will also use non-diegetic sound that the actors cant hear. The actors are in the BAME community, This reinforces stereotypes because hackers these days are a lot smarter. Another way this reinforces stereotypes is that Adults these days are getting a lot smarter in hacking into peoples privacy. Also teenagers are not keeping the privacy as private as they are meant to be so i hope to teach them how important it is to stay away from hackers in this society.

My series will be targeted at older teenagers to teach them how dangerous hackers can be nowadays and how easy they can steal all your information without you even realising. Another reason this is aimed at teenagers is because they are always putting there important information on any electronic device that any sort of hacker can steal.The target audience will personally identify with the hacker and victim as they are both in a teenage romantic relationship with others.

The clothes that the 17 year old male victim will be wearing is a casual smart suit whereas the 27 year old male hacker will be a bit mysterious wearing a ski mask to cover his identity and a jacket. The setting for the 17 year old victim will be at a after school study club session and the 27 year old hacker will be located in his bedroom on his chair near his desk.
