OSP & Videogames: An introduction

A brief history of video games

1) the first video games were arcade games.

2) video games have changed because before they were arcade games and now you can play games on your own mobile phone and PlayStation and even smart TVs and on some social media apps. 

3) the most successful games have a great story an are entertaining to play so people really enjoy playing


4) they can be addicting and make people want to do nothing but play them all day.

1) there were more than 200 million fortnite players worldwide.

2) it is free and fun and animated not like PUBG because they have a serious and realistic life style.

3)because the game is very addictive and this can really affect young kids as a lot of fortnite players are under the age of 12.

4)"All parents at my son's primary school got an email this morning specifically about Fortnite!

Young kids are spending 20+ hours a week on it!"

I agree with this because a lot of kids are getting their learning affected by this video game.

"I limit my children to only playing the Playstation at the weekends. Simple."

i think that Computer games naturally get them more engaged in computing which leads being interested in Science and engineering.
